Albums currently kicking your ass

That's Troller man it's electronic stuff mate on Handmade Birds,I like it a lot.

Hly shit man! I fucking love this! Thanks so much for the link.

Great record.
Slowly becoming a heavy staple in my diet.

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So, do you guys think this is better or worse than The Black Law? I keep changing my opinion on it, not really sure except that "Those Who Sow in Tears Shall Reap in Joy" is probably my favourite track by them!

Well, my favourite song by them ("The Stars Above Us Are All Evil") is on that record, still that's a hard question.
I actually have the release that compiles both albums on one so to me these days it's just like one album.
Lunar Aurora is one of the most consistent bands that I've heard. I haven't heard any albums by them that aren't good.
Totally stunning...


rough and strange and passionate in a way that most trad metal just isn't these days. gets dismissed in some quarters for a lack of polish but everyone who doesn't care about that shit should check it. full album is here.
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