Albums currently kicking your ass

I suppose I'm in the minority by thinking latter era Opeth is the best, excluding Heritage and Pale Communion , which i like also buuutttt...
I thought Ghost Reveries showcased a band at the height of their powers , Admittedly I was a latecomer to Opeth , getting onboard with Blackwater but being a fan I went backwards and collected their earlier work. I never got the O tattooed on me though.

This was a blind purchase and after only being familiar with Crystal Logic through The Deluge, the heavy use of growling vocals on this came as a surprise. I now also own Mystification and I'm wondering what else from this band is worthwhile?
Going to have to agree with the crowd here, if you like the early era, the mid era, and the new era.... You're in pretty deep. I'll add if you have any thought in your head that you like early hard rock/proto metal, make sure you check out their first two, Metal and Invasion, the latter being one of my overall favorites from the band.
Mark of the Beast is pretty underrated. Nobody talks about it, but it's one of their cooler albums.

I'm not sure I've ever heard that album. I've got something like all but 4 of the full lengths and that one has so far eluded me.

Edit: hmmm I have a few less than I thought, that's depressing


Looks like I'll need to grab a few more.
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Mark Of The Beast is very nearly my favourite MR album! Songs like Venusian Sea, Avatar, the title track, Teacher, pretty much the whole album. It has a psychedelic feel compared to the others but still epic as hell.
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MARK OF THE BEAST is great, but it's also possibly their softest, dreamiest album so it depends on what aspect of them you most enjoy (personally i don't like their thrashy side much as a rule). it's all material from 1981 that they decided not to release at the time, despite having it recorded. if you've heard the DREAMS OF ESCHATON bootleg you've heard some of it although they're remastered here.
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Voyager, Spiral Castle, Atlantis Rising, and Gates of Fire are the best MR albums since they reunited. The other albums are good but nothing really special. Open the Gates, Crystal Logic, The Deluge, Mystification, The Courts of Chaos, and Metal are where it's at though.

i place GATES OF FIRE on the level of that latter list, but probably none of the others. need to listen to both SPIRAL CASTLE and ATLANTIS RISING more though to be fair.