Albums currently kicking your ass

Do tell me about your opinion on goregrind. 10,000 posts here overly nearly ten years and I havent quite heard enough.Granted, this may be the only time I ever asked for it.
Tbh aside from Carcass /Regurgitate/Exhumed, I've never really gotten into it. Grind influenced music tends to substitute ferocity for atmosphere in my experience; it lacks the oppressive/evil vibe of straight up death metal. I'm willing to rethink that position on an artist by artist basis, though,

Dno exactly what genre you'd classify Mortician under, but imo they bring together the best aspects of grindcore and death metal.
Death Angel's newest record, The Evil Divide, has been blowing my mind. These guys have been on fire for their last few releases.

The Ultra Violence had a pretty decent cover, but the rest are all terrible, yeah. A lot of thrash bands now just seem to go way over the top with their covers (I'm thinking Destruction's latest).
I really need to pick up Carne de Cementario and Tronos. A quick discogs check shows they aren't nearly as hard to find as they used to be...