Albums currently kicking your ass

I love my music with a groove to it, but Meshuggah is one of the most dreadfully stagnant, un-intriguing fart clouds of mediocrity I've ever heard.
I loved them for a while, but their sound is so one-dimensional and they haven't done anything interesting with it for so long now that I'm not even bothered to listen to anything past the teaser for the new album.
Holy hell is that Apocalyptic Raids? I don't think I've blasted them in about 9 years.


Stupidly underrated Lizzy album here. Everyone seems to really dig Thunder and Lightning but I think that is now my least favorite of their post-Fighting material, but it's a super tough race. "Hollywood" and "No One Told Him" are just fucking amazing jams, and I just cannot not do a tequila shot during "Mexican Blood"
Mexican Blood is the worst song Thin Lizzy has from any album I've heard of theirs.

Brave New World is the shit btw, shame they haven't been able to put one together like that since.
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Usually not big on one song albums but unlike Dopesmoker which beats you over the head with repetition this one keeps it fairly fresh and flows very well. It's not suddenly going to be my favorite Sabbat album, but its damn good.
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I loved them for a while, but their sound is so one-dimensional and they haven't done anything interesting with it for so long now that I'm not even bothered to listen to anything past the teaser for the new album.
After to listening to the Car Bomb album 3 times now, I will definitely say they do the meshuggah thing better than meshuggah. Their music is more fast and interesting as you said. Car Bomb and Ulcerate are so far the best 2016 releases I've heard, and Ulcerate is basically like Car Bomb in that they're essentially Immolation on steroids. Two bands taking the mantle of genre greats.
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