Albums currently kicking your ass


Fucking awesome blackmetal that is. It has a Summoning atmosphere yet it's raw and motherfucking cold. Preparing to hear it on picture vinyl.
So, this is kicking my ass too. Checked it out because I loved the artwork and the 40kish band name, well worth it.

Yeah it's really really good. I don't know if it's because of the artwork but the thing that comes to mind when I listen to it is a nightly desert march :), it has that eastern feel sometimes.

I heard that album was crap. maybe I'm mistaken?

I love it, but I can see why others don't. It is a bit Helmet-esque with wall-of-sound guitars and a lot of groove, but the thick guitar sound and some experimentation with ambiance gives it an atmospheric feel. If you're someone that thinks Mental Vortex was a bit bare compared to the preceding albums you'll probably hate it, but otherwise it's worth a shot. Serpent Moves it the song to start with, because if that one feels monotonous the rest of the album sure as hell will.
Just so you know the band is a white supremacist group. The album cover is what lured me tho.

I find it kind of funny that racism is more taboo than dissecting and eating a fetus after cutting it out of it's mothers womb after raping her in death metal.