Albums currently kicking your ass

Still doesnt really bother me to be honest. I dont have to share their beliefs... or much less care what they're singing about to enjoy the music. If their albums didnt have lyric sheets... most of the people that would get offended wouldnt even know the difference anyway.

The "Hate Mail" section on their website is hilarious.
I'm gonna go ahead and post it as well... it's been recommended to me before and talked about a ton... this finally made me take a listen... and it is indeed kicking my ass. :kickass:

because that's all fantasy, son. These people are real life neo Nazis who believe Hitler was a saint and Jews caused 9/11.


Most "neo-Nazis" are just National Socialists. The media will take the isolated group of "extremists" within their bunch, and put them on TV so gullible people believe that all "neo-Nazis" worship Hitler. Second to that, "white supremacist," etc. are nothing more than buzzwords.

Moreover, most people recognize the fact that there's far more to just rogue terrorists attacking the trade center. The government and media have actually deluded many of gullible Americans into thinking that we need a more intrusive government in our lives, and that it's completely necessary to compromise our civil liberties in the name of "Homeland Security." They've done this by preying on peoples' fears with regard to terrorism and their fundamental lack of understanding of what causes terrorism.

The sheeple masses will go where ever the media directs them, and will believe whatever the media wants them to. The truth cannot be found in any mainstream publication.
Thinking Mossad had a hand in 9/11 isn't racism. If it is, it's just as racist to think Bin Laden had a hand in it.

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The sheeple masses will go where ever fox news directs them, and will believe whatever fox news wants them to. The truth cannot be found in any fox news publication.


edit - you also never answered this question I asked you....

"whom are neck deep in the sheeple way of life"

and that is defined as...??
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Most of America is racist against Arabs. Why would racism towards Israelis be any worse? Edit: Not that believing a person/group of persons is responsible for something is racist to begin with.

Regardless, Arghoslent is enjoyable Death Metal.
Most of America is racist against Arabs. Why would racism towards Israelis be any worse?

Regardless, Arghoslent is enjoyable Death Metal.

You always take things too serious. I didn't post that to start a debate with you, but your tendencies always seem to lure themselves into any conversation. You must be quite the chap to talk to at the local bar, eh?
You always take things too serious. I didn't post that to start a debate with you, but your tendencies always seem to lure themselves into any conversation. You must be quite the chap to talk to at the local bar, eh?

I don't bring up anything serious at bars, since people are drunk anyway, and are "just trying to have a good time".
I don't bring up anything serious at bars, since people are drunk anyway, and are "just trying to have a good time".
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edit - you also never answered this question I asked you....

"whom are neck deep in the sheeple way of life"

and that is defined as...??

Cute edit.

All news companies are full of shit when it comes to worldly and social issues. For example, they still try and make people believe 'equality' exists. I'm too much of a realist to swallow that kosher hollywood marketing blitz. Take the blubbering asshat Bill O'Riley, all he knows how to do is talk shit - if he let anyone actually speak and argue against him, he would be shown to be the intellectual cripple that he is.

What's a sheeple, and their way of life?

People that aren't autonomous. They listen to media. Media tells people that only Whites can be 'racist' and that it's okay for Tyrone to hate ole White for keepin'a brutha down. Media tells them that lone terrorists with the directions from Bin Laden attacked our trade centers and that Israel is a good ally to have. Media tells people that Hamas of Gaza is a terrorist organization, whilst Israel commits war crimes and genocide without being noticed.

Sheeple swallow things hook, line and sinker. They won't openly advocate removal of this tyrannical government and the media teaches them to make fun of people that do - as if subtracts from the logical validity of our arguments.

What did they say about Randy Weaver? That he was a "white supremacist," no one that's ever met him would even contemplate saying anything of the sort.

What'd they say about Waco? First, no one cared. The feds couldn't have that, so they began saying Koresh was a pedophile, etc. Suddenly the masses want to tar and feather David Koresh.

There are a thousand examples.

Sheeple is a really simple term. A sheep goes where it's herded, and sheeple go where they are directed.

On another note, do any of you even have a clue as to what racism is? I'll give you a hint, it's not what Webster says.
I don't mind talking politics while I drink, just not at a bar.

Yeah, it's too loud anyway. I personally rarely go to bars anyway just because of how retardedly expensive it is to drink there. Buying a 30pk or whatever the poison of choice is and going to a friend's house is a much better night. You can hear and didn't spend a ridiculous amount of money.