Albums currently kicking your ass


Perhaps epic doom's finest hour. Tough call with stuff like Candlemass to compete with...
I'm not sure. I'm friends with JP but he hasn't commented on them. I was on their MA page today and realized that the people that started the band did not perform on that album and the guys on the album are no longer a part of the band.
I remember seeing Tygers of Pan Tang, way back, on TV, ( I think, but may be wrong ) on a program called ` the Tube`, if I remember back in the early eighties. The reason I say it, is because they had a young guitarist called John Sykes playing for them. The track was a cover of a song called `Love potion number 5`. In those days I was soaking up everything in heavy rock. The tube was banned from the air after a few shows for repetitive F-bombing and swearing. The Cunts. Because it was a good program that showed the occasional heavy rock band, seeing as no fucker else played it on TV.
Tygers of Pan Tang from the Tube in the eighties. Love potion number 5. John Sykes on the Tobacco sunburst Gibson Les Paul. Of course latrer on, Phil Lynott made him famous when he played on thin lizzies thunder and lightning album.


I picked this up dirt cheap recently listened to once, just had it playing in the background while I was doing other things. I've been whistling and humming all these tunes that have been stuck in my head and realized its from this album, must have stuck :err: Anyways its melodic and catchy and extremely 80's and cheesy. But its pretty awesome cheese. I think this guy is from Sweden and is a one man show. Does everything except for the drums. Reminds me a little of early Malmsteen without going overboard
I've had Jordpuls in my collection for years now but still haven't listened to it. :erk: hmmm, maybe i should *finally give it a go.
While I don't mind Jordpuls it is not even close to essential so you shouldn't write Vintersorg off completely based on it if you don't like it.

Hedniskhjärtad, Till Fjälls, Ödemarkens Son, Till Fjälls del II and to a lesser extent Cosmic Genesis is where it's at.
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