Albums currently kicking your ass

No, Andy is actually right for once. I'd say that it's good, but not as amazing as a lot of people seem to think. It also isn't very original, yet some people act like it started a whole new kind of black metal.
That's probably also why they think it's the holy grail of black metal. Just for good measure, they're also not the best USBM band or even close.
Weakling - Dead as Dreams

edit: Necros Christos are likely one of the most evil sounding bands in metal right now, and are one of the best at doing that kind of thing. I still haven't really gotten into that album as much as I'd like to, but it seems like a grower and I really appreciated its sound when I first heard it. It isn't something I'd like to hear all the time, but it is really effective at its atmosphere.