Albums currently kicking your ass


I have a hard time liking most black metal... but these guys havent let me down on a single album yet... and remain one of my favorites. (although, wtf at all the clean vocals)
The vocals are insane.. he goes slam death metal inhale several times in The Unbearable Filth of the Soul... so much power is behind his screaming... I dont see how he isnt hurting himself in the process.
What's that?

Deathspell Omega - Fas - Ite, Maledicti, in Ignem Aeternum

EDIT: But if you were amazed by the artwork (it's better than the music btw tbh imo), that is done by Timo Ketola, also the creator of Opeth logo and some of their covers.
Ares Kingdom,are still kicking my ass,even this band's demo material slays most other bands,Firestorms And Chaos is the shit,if you like Arghoslent or Destroyer 666 you'll love this band.