Albums currently kicking your ass


All kinds of win.
not really kicking my arse, but Nargathrond's for we blessed this world with plagues is completely weirding me out. Strange vocals, strange drum sounds, strange everything. Tbh don't buy it, it's like a local bands demo or something and it's not cheap enough for that.
I actually don't hate that, nor do I hate what I've heard (one song) off the new EP. I actually gave that album a pretty decent review on S-M last year tbh. It's not THAT slammy, but it is certainly very Californian. I love the slam section on one song that sounds like a slam breakdown going 3-4x the speed so it doesn't even function as a breakdown anymore. :lol: that was fucking sweet. Also the tech-y little guitar flourishes everyone in California likes to do tend to work for them.
The new ep caught my eye with the really cool album art... I was going to check it out after this, if I enjoyed it... and so far I have.