Albums currently kicking your ass

Should post this in the vinyl thread but posting it here because I’m currently listening to it. Seller gave me this for the price of shipping only because he said it skipped. It’s a little warped but plays fine here.

Fabio Frizzi - Un Gatto Nel Cervello aka A Cat in the Brain OST. Brain vinyl variant.

How did you like the new Lord Vicar?

Unhappy I had to drop $20 on bandcamp for a cd copy but I liked it a lot on first listen. Will download my digital copy tonight and take it to work with me this week for further evaluation.

Fuck yeah. I like the EP a little better but still great.

You familiar with In Solitude - Sister? Reminded me a lot of that one. Idk why I waited so long to listen to the band but I liked that one quite a bit.
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