Albums currently kicking your ass


Fantastic album. Good to see it getting recognition as one of the best of 2006. :kickass:

Love this album! I think I am one of only a few who appreciate the spoken word narrations.

A few of my favorites -

From Six Score and Ten Oblations to a Malefic Avatar:
"I have come into possession of a certain ancient book, a collection of arcane scrawlings reputed to have been derived from an even earlier transcription, allegedly lost during the great fire of 1666. The Chthonic Chronicles! I cannot disclose here the precise and rather unsavory means by which I acquired this weather-worn tome, but I immediately recognized the veracity of the fevered inscriptions contained within. Apparently derived from an incomplete Latin translation of the original source material, the text sporadically lapses into an indecipherable tongue which the translation cryptically notes as being Old High Atlantean. Glyphs, sigils, occult pictograms, six score and ten oblations to some malign entity of colossal evil… some diabolical avatar of the Z’xulth. Khthon! I must delve further into the foreboding depths of this great black book…"

From The Obsidian Crown Unbound:
"By all the gods of war! Stand fast, hounds of the Imperium! ‘Tis true… steel is no use against this ignoble magical trickery! But if our souls are bound for the Pit this day, we’ll damn well take a few of these bastards with us! Onward, my Legion! Alpha formation, banners high! Glory to the Emperor! Into the foe! Show them the Tiger’s claws!"

From Arcana Antediluvia:
"And so it was written, that rage would carry him like a howling wind, leaving only frozen corpses,
Their bones rattling in hollow armour, to tell their tale in his wake."

"His gaze is as fire, his words are as spear-points, his voice is as thunder, his touch as the plague!"
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