Albums currently kicking your ass

This was my 4th fav Sepultura album when it came out - l bought it the week it came out - and it's still my 4th fav Sepultura album.
Shit kinda stunk then and it stinks a bit now. It's not a bad album.. but they chose to progress!
And not to regress!!! wtf
and WHAT the fuck is that shite cover? l have always really hated thie fucking artwork
l spun it for this pic but l didn't last the whole record

they're one of my all-time most listened to bands with some completely undeniable tunes, and that's arguably their most consistent album, so i haven't rated it low. but to play devil's advocate, it was hard not to grow out of morrison's pseudo-deep mystical bullshit at least a little once i hit my 20s, and some of the machismo started to seem forced as well. super weird and unique band with incredible force and swagger and charisma at their best, but also pretty juvenile/pretentious/embarrassing at their worst, and they straddle that line quite a lot for me.
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they're one of my all-time most listened to bands with some completely undeniable tunes, and that's arguably their most consistent album, so i haven't rated it low. but to play devil's advocate, it was hard not to grow out of morrison's pseudo-deep mystical bullshit at least a little once i hit my 20s, and some of the machismo started to seem forced as well. super weird and unique band with incredible force and swagger and charisma at their best, but also pretty juvenile/pretentious/embarrassing at their worst, and they straddle that line quite a lot for me.

The music rules, which is all I really care about.