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Need to give both another listen soon. I like Orgasm fine too but the male vocals don't need to be there. Seemed the logical place for Monika to step out.
At least the male vocals were clean and not the generic growling you usually get in combination with female vocals, but I would have prefered Monika doing all the vocals, too. However, this wasn't the reason for her to step out. It was that she and the male singer/bassist had another conception about the future musical direction of the band than the other three band members, thus they both left.

Looking forward to more material by these guys. Really promising start. @Burkhard this might be up your alley.

Sounds like it was released in the eighties. At least the first song was actually quite enjoyable, whereas the second one didn't do much for me, perhaps because it was ordinary mid-tempo Heavy Metal which I never really cared much about. Out of curiosity: Which of the bands I listen to made you guess I might like these songs? I mean, you were not completely wrong.
vader de profundis.jpg

Sounds like it was released in the eighties. At least the first song was actually quite enjoyable, whereas the second one didn't do much for me, perhaps because it was ordinary mid-tempo Heavy Metal which I never really cared much about. Out of curiosity: Which of the bands I listen to made you guess I might like these songs? I mean, you were not completely wrong.

No band in particular, just thought you might enjoy it.

Let not man prevail... visionary words indeed
For man is the key and man is the device
And out of his ranks shall arise the saviour draped in the blood of the unborn
Scriptures say "We do not think him to be the devil or a demon as some others do
but one of mankind in whom Satan shall dwell totally...
for he is the man of sin, the son of perdition,
such that he will seat himself in the Temple as if he were God"

back to obsessing over it again lately for the nth time. absolute headbanging riff fest with melodies so unique and ecstatic it can also bring me to tears, and on top of that it has some of my favourite vocals, drumming and lyrics in all of metal. i used to think it was bloated in the middle but i was underappreciating how great tracks 5, 6 and 9 are, which really seals the deal for me 'cause obviously 1-4, 7 and especially 10-11 are incredible. it'll be a lock at the top of my decade list next to warning when we get around to those; closest thing to a religious experience in metal.
Mate Svart recently reissued Parallel Corners on vinyl, the band posted some pics of their copies. Looks nice too.

vinyl only though afaik. Glad someone cares but they’re one of the great forgotten doom metal bands imo.