Albums currently kicking your ass

Why does everyone praise that first Ensiferum album? I enjoy it but it's pretty Simplistic. Iron was better and I liked Victory Songs a lot as well. This new one is a Nice change of pace. It's got 2 huge epics and some longer more complex songs.

:rofl: @ "Sodomizing the Elderly"

Listening to the new Kongh again...takes some time to appreciate, but it's pretty good
^ their guitarist is total fat redneck piece of shit(looks like he lives in a fucking cave) and was threatening to beat the shit out the guy that runs because he did not review the album seriously and thought the band would have a sense of humor, you would think so, but apparently not. I suggest hit up if you want to laugh your ass off at that stupid band.
Are you talking about Kongh or CoV? I couldn't find anything on Kongh..could you link plz?

I can see why V5 loves this thing so much. It reminds me of Unquestionable Presence and Awaken the Guardian in that it's overflowing with great riffs, although I daresay the transitions on this album are even better than on either of those. The vocals are also unique and add some individuality. One of the best albums I've heard in a long time.

I can see why V5 loves this thing so much. It reminds me of Unquestionable Presence and Awaken the Guardian in that it's overflowing with great riffs, although I daresay the transitions on this album are even better than on either of those. The vocals are also unique and add some individuality. One of the best albums I've heard in a long time.

Fucking gay.