Albums currently kicking your ass

I've heared leaked versions of the new Nile and Hypocrisy... both albums are unreal. The new Hypocrisy just blew me away - going to pre-order these bitches.

I'm predicting that Hypocrisy will be in my top 5/10 this year, but fuck it's been a good year for metal.



They also have two albums out this year, both of which I ordered. If they're better than this, or even equal, I'll be happy. Will review at least one. Also, new Nazxul is decent.

I just realized how awful the re-recordings from 10 years of chaos and confusion are compared to the original.
That album's a good start. And I'd say like like I Shalt become in ambience, but like Trist or Austere in the metal sector. This actually has riffs below the damn keys.
I love new Hypocrisy but The new Immortal has taken over my ears...A Little disappointing but I still like it better then almost any metal out from today.

New Nile is sick but They always bore me after about 1 listen. But goddamn crazy riffs on the album..just can't get into it Like Shrines or AOTW.

I'm loving new Alice In Chains also.