Albums currently kicking your ass


Currently reveling in victory for finally owning this...bought the only copy I've ever seen...engaged in a bloody eBay war for it...max bid was 35 bucks...scored for 22 + shipping from Japan (about half the price of the damn CD on top of that).

But...hell yes.

This is kicking my ass,have had this and The tenth Sub level for a few years now and never even bothered to listen to them,why i have no idea,this is shockingly good and i'm a bit embarrassed not to have listened to this earlier.
:lol: wow, that's bad.
I assume you mean the snare fill, in which case I implore you to make up some reason as to WHY he did that. Ugh.


This is kicking my ass,have had this and The tenth Sub level for a few years now and never even bothered to listen to them,why i have no idea,this is shockingly good and i'm a bit embarrassed not to have listened to this earlier.
Their best, imo. But such a terrible and stupid cover.
The drumming on Thy Dying Light by Judas Iscariot is fucking fact it ruins the entire album IMO, I can't focus, I keep getting distracted, or just break out laughing
"The are able they drag many to Satan"

God, Gorgoroth really sucks at Latin. Trahunt should be trahere.

I think the intended meaning was "They drag as many to Satanity (Satanism?) as they can". In which case the proper Latin would be "tantos ad Satanitatem trahunt quantos possunt." I wouldn't hold Infernus to the standard of knowing the "tantum...quantum" construction, but I'm not going to let it bother me.

The last track is correct, except it should be Sathanae, not Satanas, but that's the most common mistake in Black Metal Latin.

That said, I gave the album a listen today, and I quite like it. A pleasant return to the "Under the Sign of Hell/"Destroyer" era.