Albums currently kicking your ass

That album cover is something else. Is Inactive Theocracy the artist? What do they play?

Reverence (fra) - Inactive Theocracy

Industrial/post-black metal. Imagine a combination of TSM-style Arcturus + BAN - The Work Which Transforms God and you're kinda on the right track.

A mere year and a half ago this was tolerable, but went in one ear and out the other. Rediscovering it, I can't believe that I'm actually finding this to be catchy.
Right now, the album that pumping out of my speakers is Fistfull of Metal. It is in my opinion Anthrax best, since i don't like the more unserious aproach to metal that followed. Belladonna suck if you compare him to Turbins high-pitch NWOBHM-style screams!


Now aint that the most BADASS cover ever?