Albums currently kicking your ass


I dig the new Gorod, it's not really wanky at all compared to the previous couple albums (oh no, they sweep more!11). Also Brad you like Spawn of Possession, you have no right to call out other people for liking ball-less wank (SOP are, for the most part, soulless wank :p).
No, I think he means that they're not ballsy enough. But ballsy is such a dubiously defined quality where music is concerned that it's pretty much up to taste.

Does not get any better then this. Awsome to hear that they are creating some new shit together now...
I dig the new Gorod, it's not really wanky at all compared to the previous couple albums (oh no, they sweep more!11). Also Brad you like Spawn of Possession, you have no right to call out other people for liking ball-less wank (SOP are, for the most part, soulless wank :p).

I don't know what you are listening to. The new Gorod is by far their most ball-less wanky album. The bass is almost non-existant, they ditched all the groove from Neurotripsicks and Leading Vision in favor of Necrophagist-esque wankery.

Again, don't know how you can call SoP soulless wank but you claim the new Gorod isn't.
I found many soulful parts (or, at least more soulful than the majority of SoP's material) on Process of a New Decline, and there's plenty of groove to be found. I can see the problem finding it if all you did was listen to the first song (which, admittedly, has its fair share of wank, and so does the album as a whole but Gorod have always been known to be soloing all over the place a lot of the time). :p

SoP are pretty soulless, dude. There's hardly any meat on most of their songs, and Noctambulant is plagued with terrible production, not to mention the drum sounds are annoying and distracting. I find myself getting some of their riffs stuck in my head, and several parts of some songs, but I can never remember how a song actually goes. It seems this is what a lot of people look for in tech death these days though. And to be fair Gorod's first album is probably my favorite, though I've given it more listens than the others regardless.

Look at the fucking line-up this is metal as fuck:

Tim "Ripper" Owens - Vocals
Jason Suecof - Guitars (Yes the cripple lol)
Steve DiGiorgio - Bass
Richard Christy - Drums