Albums currently kicking your ass

At The Gates are awesome all the way through, I love all their albums. Not sure why SOTS gets such bad press from a lot of people, its a wildly different style from their earlier stuff but still very good.

It's because they showed with their first EP and LP what they were capable of producing, and thus SOTS came across as consciously dumbed down. Had they only released that album it wouldn't be as big of a deal.
Or he could just, you know, base his judgment on the fact that he finds their earlier style better.

He could but it doesn't make for a very compelling opinion or point because he said "well it's bad because their first albums are better." Anytime you can say with full certainty that if a band had just released their later works (without the overshadowing quality of the earlier works of said band there to alter your opinion negatively), the later works would be better, your opinion sounds pretty dumb.

He could but it doesn't make for a very compelling opinion or point because he said "well it's bad because their first albums are better." Anytime you can say with full certainty that if a band had just released their later works (without the overshadowing quality of the earlier works of said band there to alter your opinion negatively), the later works would be better, your opinion sounds pretty dumb.


They're bad because they sound uninspired and lack original songwriting compared to their first two albums.

I think you misread what I said (or I just worded it poorly). Completely disregarding their early works, their recent material is bad for the reasons I put in bold.
Celestia - Apparitia - Sumptuous Spectre


Good Black Metal with a cold/dark atmosphere and cool riffs. The vocals, guitar and bass are provided by Noktu (Peste Noire). Got a copy of the re-released digipack. :kickass:
I think you misread what I said (or I just worded it poorly). Completely disregarding their early works, their recent material is bad for the reasons I put in bold.

Maybe. I'm just saying that if a band releases two classics and then starts to suck, and people start saying "well the last two suck because they're not as good as the first two", I just think that's kind of a cop out opinion. It's like your argument is that they suck because they just do and for no other reason. But, yeah, whatever. I agree that earlier ATG has much, much more compelling songwriting, but I don't think that necessarily makes SOTS or TSD bad, just less compelling on some/most levels. Obviously, people's mileage is going to vary.
New Nevermore is what I'm listening to, hesitant to say it's "kicking my ass" but I like it so far.

I am very pleased with Jeff Loomis work done on the album. That being said...I feel as if Dane is really starting to run out of topics to write about. Tracks such as "The Blue Marble and the New Soul" leave very lacking lyrical content IMO. Back to Loomis, although it seems they have started to cut his solos shorter and shorter, his rhythmic writing has vastly improved. There are many riffs that not only make me head bang ferociously but also simply amaze me.