Albums currently kicking your ass

One of the best things in the world.

Haha, that's a pretty sweet album cover...





Don't laugh, the Brad Paisley album is kinda rad. Not big on the country twang, but Paisley combines a lot of genres on this mostly all instrumental album. I've gained a lot of respect for this guy.
Enslaved - Eld

My first real exposure to Enslaved. I do think I have the Emperor/Enslaved split at some point, but I remember nothing of it. But I find the melodies from Eld in my head quite often, and it makes me want to go listen to it more.
Enslaved - Eld

My first real exposure to Enslaved. I do think I have the Emperor/Enslaved split at some point, but I remember nothing of it. But I find the melodies from Eld in my head quite often, and it makes me want to go listen to it more.

Blodhemn is even better.