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Engel - Threnody

It's interesting stuff, but I prefer the "Absolute Design" album over this one, but it's still decent enough IMO, if your into this kind of stuff. They've got some pretty good melodies.

Pulled this off

Engel is an industrial/modern death metal band, not unlike Mnemic or Raunchy. They hail from Gothenburg/Sweden and in addition, their bassplayer origins from England.

Who are Engel, you might ask? You’ll know Niclas Engelin from his time as guitarist with Passenger alongside Anders Fridén of In Flames. Marcus Sunesson spent time with The Crown whilst also moonlighting with The Haunted (2001-02). Joining these two six string shredders are vocalist Mangan Klavborn, bassist Johan Andreassen and drummer Mojjo.

It's not a bad line-up to be honest.