Albums currently kicking your ass

Currently my favorite metal album of 2010

Good mistake to make.

That's probably my favorite Thrash album of all time. Walkyier's lyrics and the concept raise it from being a very good album to absolutely brilliant. I tried reading The Way of the Wyrd (the book it's based on) but gave up a few chapters in when I realised that Dreamweaver's lyrics were better written and more interesting than the book.

If anyone can recommend any other albums like that (Fast Thrash, or any metal really, with high quality and quantity of lyrics being spat out rapidly over the top of it), then I'd be much appreciative.
Classic Skate Punk

Seen NOFX a few times at festivals, they seem to crap on a bit too much between songs, making stupid jokes and talking shit. I spent half the set thinking, 'Just hurry up and play a damn song already'. They've put out some good stuff though. I was into that kind of stuff in the 90s before I got into metal, but the only band like that that I've kept up with is Bad Religion (new album coming out this year, woohoo!). Is there anything else from the genre worth checking out these days? I sort of gave up on it a bit when every second band started trying to sound like Blink 182.
Idn I don't listen to any new punk. Bad Religion, Nofx, Pennywise, Ignite, lagwagon and that's pretty much it.

Listening to this right now..


Summer is always Skate/90s Surf Punk for me.

Great split !!!! Martial Barrage's songs aren't half bad, but seriously, Arghoslent's songs are just great. The last one - The Ghosts of Flossenburg is nothing short of memorable. :kickass: Also, it's well produced (far better than what I was expecting)