Albums currently kicking your ass

Nocturnus is awesome. The Key is a classic, but Ethereal Tomb & Thresholds are really good too.

BTW einherjar, i listened to your band Junkyard Kings early today and it was really good stuff. You say old band so I'm assuming it no longer exists? Would definitely fit on a Black Crowes or Drive By Truckers tour.

Thanks mate :cool: Our frontman would've been happy to hear you say that. He loves those bands.

And yes, unfortunately, we're not together anymore.
Ah man "The Key" is so good. Thanks for reminding me of its existence.


Nostalgia album! Saw them with my college ex way back when at the Bowery Ballroom in NYC with Tim Hecker and These Arms Are Snakes. Interesting lineup, all good.
Ah man "The Key" is so good. Thanks for reminding me of its existence.


Nostalgia album! Saw them with my college ex way back when at the Bowery Ballroom in NYC with Tim Hecker and These Arms Are Snakes. Interesting lineup, all good.

Very nice. Best Isis album IMO with Panopticon a close second. "The Beginning and the End" is my favorite track off it. "Weight" is trance inducing.

Never heard of these guys until just recently, but this is tickling my early-90's-groovy-grungey-metal fancy quite well.
Latest lashings on the ipod!!

Misery Index- Heirs to thievery

Whitechapel- A new era of corruption (fuck the haters, they rule. Cant wait to buy the cd)

Suffocation- Pierced from within

Ruins- front the final foes (love the aussie black metal!!)

Cryptopsy- none so vile