Albums currently kicking your ass

Briton Rite - For Mircalla
A Forest Of Stars - The Corpse Of Rebirth
Ares Kingdom - Incendiary
Totalselfhatred - Totalselfhatred
Zuul - Out Of Time
Alter Bridge - One Day Remains you didn't see that last one coming.....
Some good stuff up there^ Briton Rites, Ares Kingdom, and Zuul are some of the best releases of the year.


One of my favorite doom metal albums of all time.

This is...amazing :worship:

I own most of the later MA albums and for some reason never really investigated this one until today. Some of the tracks on here sound a lot better than the later versions! The ones from BATS especially. Love the raw, unprocessed sound.

And Sacramentary Abolishment's River Of Corticone.This band were the fucking best and a true hidden gem amongst a sea of clones and soundalikes,no one will ever sound like this band.They are way fucking better than Axis Of Advance if that's any indication.My personal choice for best band ever based on their two albums...fucking insanity!!
Apocalyptic..Nuclear..Hate Filled..Blackness!

This band has recieved some bad reviews in the past but don't believe a word,I can see how though as when it was released it was all Norse shit but this fucking rocks and Mr.Nodveidt's insane leads are all over this little baby.His leads over the top of evil as fuck old school black thrash is a revelation.Imagine a faster pissed off Maiden and you're in the ball park.Fans of Destroyer 666 would be well advised to checkout Nifelheim.

All you Pagan Altar,Cirith Ungol and fans in general of old,old doom,need to get this asap
I've not heard the last Nifelheim but their first 3 albums are all essential imo. Fuckin great stuff.


No idea what's up with the album cover, but this is absolutely essential mexi-dm.
lol at frost mage.

yeah Epitome of Darkness is fucking great, probably one of my top 3 sweDM albums of the last few years with the new Interment and Tribulation last year.


^ great finnish death metal demo.