Albums currently kicking your ass

So did he write a concept album about Night Elves or what?

I put some of the lyrics into google translate and it sounds like any other drudkh album, although the music itself sounds different. I thought the lyrics would be more astral themed but from what ive read they are just about nature, like previous drudkh albums. I guess he keeps all the other stuff for blood of kingu songs.
Yeah, the Drudkh song sucks. Will pass.

Wow, what happened to Drudkh? I didn't ever think they would put out something like that. It doesn't sound terrible, just doesn't sound like Drudkh at all.

It will grow on you after a while. After about 8 listens i ordered the limited edition. The post rock sound is a bit weird at first but i like the new direction he is taking.
