Albums currently kicking your ass

I didn't say it was bad. It's just very unremarkable. When describing HLTO, I can come up with words like passionate, depressive, dark, lonely, etc. For DSEV all I can call it is black metal. Maybe I haven't listened to it enough, but it doesn't strike me as much as his other works.
I agree that DSEV doesn't have too much to distance itself from some of the black metal around at the time, but it is also partially because, from how I see it, it was released after the phenomenal debut, and before the album that pretty much overshadowed the rest of black metal of the time. As it stands, it's kind of in a no-man's-land.
I think we should add Burzum to that list of bands whose albums we're not allowed to rank anymore (along with Metallica, Opeth and Death). It accomplishes absolutely nothing.
It's the other way around for me man,I only have War Metal and the Landfill Breastmilk Beast ep,which reminds that I don't think i've even listened to the ep,actually I might've once and it did'nt do much for me.

IMO, Eater of Birds is the best thing they have done so far. It's a perfect blend of the chaoticness of War Metal & the slower interludes on Gin. Gin still has plenty of bad ass moments, the lyrics are fucking great too. War Metal, Eater of Birds, & Gin are all must have albums IMO. I love Cobalt. :worship:


fuck yes, epic



Belus > Filosofem > HLTO > Burzum > DSEV

yea im a hipster fag watever

This has been a favorite for almost as long as I've been listening to metal. The riffs are so simple but heavy and the atmosphere is fucking huge. Bought this when I was 10 and I still love it.
IMO, Eater of Birds is the best thing they have done so far. It's a perfect blend of the chaoticness of War Metal & the slower interludes on Gin. Gin still has plenty of bad ass moments, the lyrics are fucking great too. War Metal, Eater of Birds, & Gin are all must have albums IMO. I love Cobalt. :worship:

I must get those albums man,i've been meaning to for ages!

I'm really digging this so far but it's a little different than I expected. Definitely not strictly old school death metal.