Albums currently kicking your ass

=Personified Hatred;9319171My personal opinion is that Slipknot is much better than other sucky and Metal offending bands like Linkin' Park or Limp Bizkit.

I respect your opinion, but should we consider that an accomplishment? To me they all suck the same way.

Now, kicking my ass - Goatwhore "Carving Out the Eyes of God"

That should be a contender for "best album cover ever" Cythraul!

I'm sad I missed an extra opportunity to talk about Limp Bizkit. T_T
Darkspace I is currently kicking my ass!

extraterrestrial vocals, abstract chord structure, chaotic strumming, uber blast beats and double bass drumming, a movie sample here and there.

I am very happy with this purchase and I will be listening to this while watching Journey To The End Of The Universe on Nat Geo.

I am greeted into the void of dark-energy, dark-matter and Darkspace!