Albums currently kicking your ass

Now you have to explain me this. Really, I'm curious. Otherwise I'll post 40 pages of lols.

Lady Gaga is a great pop singer. She executed pop the best way since like, Jackson and Madonna. Slipknot on the other side, was a band that teenagers liked 5 years ago because they wore masks and were heavy and extraordinary. I've had their two cds burned when I used to listen to Slipknot and then I gave them to my cousin who was angry at her parents because they didn't like her stupid teen-age rebel-girl bullshit. It really did so much sense when she asked for those.

Fun to hear such a young band fuck todays Cradle of Filth\Dimmu Borgir up the ass in their own genre.
CA aren't really gay, but they ARE histrionic and goofy and "baroque" in the most basic, entertaining way, which is pretty much what they want to do and why they are well-liked tbh.
I've got that too, only played it once and I didn't get into it. I need to get into a sleep cycle that allows me to use my hifi more.
I always thought CA were one ofn the few bands who could pull off face paint without looking utterly ridiculous. Mainly because I don't think it's serious, and it's lacking the cliche spikes and bare chests.
I would have to say that Winterhorde's Underwatermoon is kicking my ass a bit right now. Great riffs, some catchy harmonies making for an all around good melodic black metal. The title song and Hunting the Human are the album standouts in my opinion.