Albums currently kicking your ass

I got UTW when it was first released,there's just something raw and youthful about it.I guess also being their first album, most others pale in comparison for me,the production probably has alot to do with it aswell.
In keeping with the D666 discussion, I've really been enjoying Defiance lately. When I first got it, it was a massive disappointment, mainly because of the horrendous production and the inconsistent quality of the songs. Now I've gotten past the sound and found that there are some really good tracks on it. A Stand Defiant and the last three songs are great and while Defiance as a whole is nowhere near the standard of what came before it, it's an good listen nonetheless. I'm really looking forward to the new EP.
^^ I need to give it some more spins,honestly I have'nt listened to it as much as I should've.But the times that I have I've enjoyed it.It almost seems pretty bad slagging a band that has given me so much enjoyment in the past.We metalheads can be pretty finicky at times.