Albums currently kicking your ass


Oranssi Pazuzu - Muukalainen Puhuu

They do a much better job of combining psychedelic rock with black metal than Nachtmystium did on Assassins. I'm totally hooked on this album. Echoey, spacey, groovy, and weird.

Yay for new black metal that's full of other stuff.
I mean that krautrock isn't really even close to BM enough to establish the kind of connection they're trying to do. I hope their next album is better, because that one was cool for a few listens.
Neither is bluegrass but Panopticon made that work. I think black metal is a versatile enough genre that it can connect well with genres that are more than one degree off.

I mean post rock is an obvious choice because it's equally minimalistic. Death metal and doom metal come from the same extreme sphere so they're understandable too. But I always like to hear musicians mixing in shit that's entirely unexpected. That's why Fleurety is such a hit for me.

EDIT: On topic, my ass gets kicked regularily by the same albums as usual lately. Out of the new stuff it's the Filtheater EP and the Mutant Supremacy full-length. Out of the non-metal circles, the best one of this year is most definately the new Royksopp, which fucking rules. The new M.I.A. also caught my attention. New Carbon Based Lifeforms too early this year. I'm pretty sure there's much more and I'm just being a lazy bastard.