Albums currently kicking your ass

Absu's album covers are so win. This one reminds me a bit of a Sailor Moon villain, but still manages to be awesome.


Every time. :kickass:
I'm checking this out, please tell me the music is better than the cover art. :erk:


I don't reckon these guys deserve all the hate they receive...who gives a fuck if they're popular? Apparently the title is actually a Latin grammatical error (correct me on this Zeph), with "Destroy All the Holy" being the intended title. This is what Wikipedia thinks;
Strangely, the Latin title of the album contains a grammatical error. 'Totus Sanctus' alone would seem to refer to either a single 'holy man' or a single 'holy' object which is associated with the male grammatical gender. Being the direct object of the imperative verb 'Attera,' 'Totus Sanctus' would be more correctly rendered 'Totum Sanctum.'
Schwärzung;9607885 said:
Apparently the title is actually a Latin grammatical error (correct me on this Zeph), with "Destroy All the Holy" being the intended title. This is what Wikipedia thinks;

Yeah it should be "Attera TotUM SanctUM". I know enough Latin language. Also "De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas" should be "...SatanAE", and without h.
Schwärzung;9607885 said:
I'm checking this out, please tell me the music is better than the cover art. :erk:

The music is awesome, if you like osdm soaked in horror movie vibes. I kinda like the goofy album art, tbh.
Jethro Tull's "Rock Island" right now, since I've moved my computer into a smaller room so my little daughter can have the bigger room and now I have my four speakers in the right place with two behind me.
Four speakers in the right places fucking rock (island)!

More people NEED to know about these guys. One of the best damn folk/power metal acts I ever did hear.
I've heard within, far from the maddening crowd, and the shadow cabinent. My opinion; Poor song structure, awkward transitions. The singer from Astral Doors doesn't help any if your songs are a complete mess. Not even close to being the best. No way.
The music is awesome, if you like osdm soaked in horror movie vibes. I kinda like the goofy album art, tbh.
Holy fuck dude, I now love you for posting this. Packs everything I love about OSDM into one package and I'm really digging the Chris Barnes-esque vocals.
Schwärzung;9607885 said:
I'm checking this out, please tell me the music is better than the cover art. :erk:


I don't reckon these guys deserve all the hate they receive...who gives a fuck if they're popular? Apparently the title is actually a Latin grammatical error (correct me on this Zeph), with "Destroy All the Holy" being the intended title. This is what Wikipedia thinks;

I actually like that band, and LOVE that album. Final Ritual, in particular, is a really great track that, while not exactly innovative, still stomps my ass hard. GREAT way to close the album.
Godhate is my favourite track on it; I found myself singing the "Guilty! Guilty! You'll die upon your cross..." in a really raspy voice at work last night...until I realised a customer was watching me and it was dead quiet. :lol:
Schwärzung;9609101 said:
Cheers mate, I'll give them a listen later on tonight. :)

Granted they arent really stylistically similar to Offal at all, yes Ghoul is a good band. Maniaxe is their best album, imo. I could beat you to death with horror death metal bands.