Albums currently kicking your ass

Tephra - Tempel
really enjoying this album, a genre I've never really gotten into. talented fairly unknown band

nothing needs to be said. amazing.
Sounds like a horrible thing.

It's a different take on black metal, not for everyone. Most purists already hate Liturgy with a passion, but fuck them. Aesthethica is doing something refreshing (even in the context of other contemporary innovative USBM bands like Cobalt or Castevet) and slightly experimental, and for the most part I'd say they are successful.
I hate them because of the faggot fucking interview with Hunter Hunt-Hunterson or whoever the fuck where he's a total hipster douche who clearly doesn't know the first goddamned thing about black metal and embarrasses the shit out of himself.

Perhaps I'm a hypocrite but this is kicking my ass right now; forgot how much I love it:


Burning Church Forest - Book 1

If anyone is interested, check these guys out. Some frightening black metal here.
Burning Church Forest? Is that their real name?

If I have a son, this will be his name. Burning Church Forest. If it's a girl I'll stick to Christiankiller Virgindestruktor 666.

EDIT: Everybody will call her Christy anyway. :lol:
I hate them because of the faggot fucking interview with Hunter Hunt-Hunterson or whoever the fuck where he's a total hipster douche who clearly doesn't know the first goddamned thing about black metal and embarrasses the shit out of himself.

Yeah, that interview reaches uncharted heights of fail. But, the music is good.
I had that album on when I picked my brother up from work the other day and he was like " ya know my whole day at work is normal and it plain sucks and then there is this shit I have to listen to when you pick me up, I love you"