Albums currently kicking your ass

this Hellacopters album is awesome,probably my favourite of theirs and unfortunately the last,love FNM especially "King For A Day..Fool For A Lifetime",that seems to be the one i always go back to.

What a coincidence, i'm listening to "Rock N' Roll Is Dead" right now, great album too. I prefer the more popish stuff from them, "By The Grace Of God" is fucking ace too. You know that "Head Off" is a cover album right?
Yeah but they almost make those songs their own,this album just flows so well,i've read mixed reviews about it,but it's a rock'n'roll album,does'nt need too much dissecting if ya ask me,just really catchy stuff,great song selection too
Dan Swano's been kicking my white ass for the last couple of days along with PowerGlove & Eliot Fisk's guitar arrangement of Paganini's 24 Caprices :) :) :)



