Albums currently kicking your ass

New Benighted is good, not even close to being one of this years best, but its still a good album none the less.

Moradin - Ancient Stone and Mystic Woods


Nile is a pretty damn consistent band. This album is a bit underrated as far as I'm concerned. I really need to pick up Those Who the Gods Detest. (and BSoV to finish my nile collection)

Very good industrial black metal.
Production is better than say a band like 3 but not really up there with blacklodge, aborym, helel, ...
Drums are done nicely with some pretty good aggrotech parts.

I want to thank whoever posted this in the thrash thread a couple years ago (I think it was audiophileguy), it's in my top 20 favorite thrash albums, and I'm glad it got a reissue sometime this year so I didn't have to pay a million dollars.
i think i like aosoth better than antaeus. III was fanastic. of course, not a diss to antaeus

anyways, this shit goes HAAARD

Ash Borer - Ash Borer
Cloudkicker - The Discovery
Corpsessed - The Dagger & The Chalice
Malodorous - Amaranthine Redolence
Morpheus Descends - Chronicles Of The Shadowed Ones
Slugathor - Circle of Death
Vektor - Black Future

Give Acid King a listen, they pull off a relatively similar style far better.

No they fucking dont and their vocalist is pretty bad sometimes.
Their first album is good but it isnt nearly as good as any of EW's big albums.

My buddy just recently introduced me to Acid King and I couldnt dig the vocalist either. Musically they are fucking rad, but I cant totally get into them...Then again, I said the same thing about Electric Wizard and now I fucking love them so who knows...

Continuing the stoner kick Ive been on lately with this: