Albums currently kicking your ass

I dont see why people compare Ghost to the King's bands. They really arent similar at all.


Anyone know when the new Hour of 13 will be out this year?

It will most likely battle the new Pagan Altar for my favorite album of the year.
I dont see why people compare Ghost to the King's bands. They really arent similar at all.


Anyone know when the new Hour of 13 will be out this year?

It will most likely battle the new Pagan Altar for my favorite album of the year.

Are win fucking twins?

Anyways, last thing I remember reading on Chad's facebook page was that the songs were being mastered and mixed and shit. I think it's all recorded. Hopefully it comes soon but I know Chad is busy working on Set, Anu, and his million other projects.
I'm being floored by Hammer Horde's "Vinlander"! Great fucking Viking Metal!

This is the vid for "Midgardian Revelry"

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So this is pretty much amazing. I can't wait to see this being hailed as a masterpiece 10 years from now.

And as for the Pagan Altar comments (Dodens AIDS Grav): I expect nothing along the lines of Volume I anymore, and nor do I really listen to anything from PA except Volume I, but I'm still excited, and think their other albums are totally excellent.
New Autopsy songs on the All Tomorrow's Funeral compilation suck. I don't like comps anyways, but still.

Fucking cool. Expected to not care about this at all, but damn. So much better then their last one.