Albums currently kicking your ass

agreed one of the best so far this year

I was highly disappointed with Grand Gesture of Defiance. It lacked the majesty and emotional impact that Sinews of Anguish masterfully captured. In fact, Sinews is easily one of THE best doom albums of recent memory. I'm hoping this was just a sophomore slump because there are still bits of greatness scattered throughout GGoD. Sentenced in Absentia is an exception though, what a track.



I was highly disappointed with Grand Gesture of Defiance. It lacked the majesty and emotional impact that Sinews of Anguish masterfully captured. In fact, Sinews is easily one of THE best doom albums of recent memory. I'm hoping this was just a sophomore slump because there are still bits of greatness scattered throughout GGoD. Sentenced in Absentia is an exception though, what a track.

I haven't listened to Sinews yet.

Blut Aus Nord goes prog gothic atmo black?!?!

Well, you certainly NEVER know what to expect when putting on a new
Blut Aus Nord album. I hate half of their releases, but love the other half. Such a diverse band. This one is great! Guess I have to give their "What Once Was... Liber II" EP a try also, but I hated the first one.

Possibly their greatest work, mind bending riffs all over

Just got my ticket to see them live for the first time on the 29th, will it be as awesome as I think it will be?
Yes. Immolation never fail to impress me. Don't expect them to play a lot from this album though. They'll probably play "I Feel Nothing" and MAYBE "Nailed to Gold." Most of what they play is new stuff.
Blut Aus Nord goes prog gothic atmo black?!?!

Well, you certainly NEVER know what to expect when putting on a new
Blut Aus Nord album. I hate half of their releases, but love the other half. Such a diverse band. This one is great! Guess I have to give their "What Once Was... Liber II" EP a try also, but I hated the first one.

Yes, yes and yes! I love the album. Just the type of stuff Ive been into for a while now. Music with roots in black metal but that takes it a step further - or in this case several steps further. I have liked all 777 albums by Blut Aus Nord but they might actually have gotten better with each release (to early to judge this latest one in comparison to the other two though).