Albums currently kicking your ass

Stench of Decay - Stench of Decay

Pathology - Time of Great Purification

This thing is goddamn devastating. Absolute perfection in its style. On my top 5 of 2012 so far.

Excellent fucking album. Other than being a bit long, (75 minutes) this album hits all my black metal sweet spots...DSBM, Ambient interludes, Minimal accenting keys, blasts of sheer aggression and hypnotic rhythms. Definitely in my top for the year.
Seems like Behemoth catches a lot of shit in "elite metal" circles, but fuck that noise. I love 'em.
It's tough to ever declare an album top ten of all time, but I really think this one is a fucking landmark.

Darkspace III
this new band's debut album, Elderoth is kickin my ass,