Albums currently kicking your ass


Forever gay for Hypocrisy.

An obvious AOTY contender. Very consistent and satisfying album, it's a great comeback record. It's a kind of grower, so perhaps I will listen to it for very long time now. I can easily say it's a better comeback than Surgical Steel.
Seeing this band (with Sabbat, Skullview, Stone Magnum, Scythe, and others) in a few weeks and I only own the fucking German version that doesn't have Gezol on the recording. Whatever, this shit still rules.


And I immediately rectified my problem. God bless the internet.


Way better than the last one.

Come on you know you used to listen to them. You know you wanna listen to this album. You know you secretly listen to them when no one's looking. It's ok I understand, on one will judge you here. Come on. :D