Albums currently kicking your ass


Fire up the Chainsaw!

^ :headbang:

Redemption at the Puritan's Hand. For some reason I thought this was supposed to be a lull in their discog, but I definitely don't think so.

EDIT: I love that Kawir album.

It's not that amazing or anything (chunky early 90s thrash with deathly vox) but it's hitting me especially nicely today.

Somehow I never knew that the vocalist on this is also the bassist in Pavor. Dude really loves the spotlight.
"For each day that passes,
I see more and more.
Sometimes the universe opens,
(And) the soul cries, hoarse and sore.

Still I live for those moments,
At least the ancient ones stand by my side.
No matter how the human plague weighs heavy,
Night on earth can harbour eternal pride."
