Albums currently kicking your ass

The same idiots are probably nostalgia-jizzing over the new Jurassic Park film.

What does that have to do with anything? It's not a silly lyric merely because it mentions dinosaurs. It suggests that dinosaurs and humans once coexisted, and that trope annoys the shit out of me. Fortunately, it's just one line at the very beginning, so it doesn't manage to ruin the whole song.
Cause Jurassic Park told me that Dinosaurs COULD exist if science wasn't a pussy...

Also, listen to Southern Rock, ya fucks.

^ Great album. Don't know why anyone would bother with Manilla Road when there are Outlaws and Molly Hatchet albums to hear.
Fucking love Outlaws!

Also, kill yourself for trying to make a sneer at Manilla Road.

(Suicide tactics are optional, perhaps drink a lot of moonshine and internal disintegration may ensue.)

TWK - Embrace of the Narrow House

I know I went crazy when In the Chapel of the Black Hand came out, but man it has nothing on Embrace of the Narrow House or The Shadow over Atlantis.

Couldn't wait for the release date on this one. It's listed as stoner doom on MA, but this is a continuation of The Oath.
I do like King Crimson a lot. I think most of the albums are relatively uneven, though. "Red" is probably best in terms of all tracks being very good, but I get a little more excited about "Starless" and "Discipline."