Albums currently kicking your ass

no wonder i'm still here, then

v5 you just gotta loosen up. it's like you are almost always ready to have a heart attack over this internets thingy. you are wound up tight as a ball when any little thing isn't exactly the same as your opinion.

you may explode and your negative energies are kinda even scaring my cat
tbh, i can still feel your negative energy, though

i live in colorado

something deep down inside you is pissed


I wish I had the mod-menu of great power I had before he raped my magic(k)al abilities...I could CHANGE PEOPLE'S CUSTOM TITLES AND THEIR SIGNATURES. That was cool.
you'd call me gayfag or something


anyways, so theres no mod power? that doesn't make sense to me. this board needs a mod
you should change my signature into at least something. tbh, i've never been able to figure it out. the screen always poopooed every pic i ever tried so i just gave up. i would actually like to have a sig. i almost dropped dead from astonishment when my avatar worked. i don't like it, though
the album currently kicking my ass is the velvet underground and nico!

i get twenty peeshaw points

stop aggravating my cat with your negative energy
Behexen-"My Soul For His Glory"- This album is owning my ass on a daily basis now. Not sure what it is about it (aside from it ruling), but I can't see how I lived without it.

I like this album, but cannot find anything distinctive about it. It seems to deliver every requisite element of a good black metal album, but forgets to put a personality in it.
I like this album, but cannot find anything distinctive about it. It seems to deliver every requisite element of a good black metal album, but forgets to put a personality in it.

For me that is the personality. It's straight forward kick ass black metal. Sometimes there doesn't need to be something unique. Just my opinion. But I do see where you're coming from. It's not particularly cutting edge. But it is just rockin!