Albums currently kicking your ass


Awesome album. Goofy artwork.
I'd say the Maiestrit(the remake, not the original) is my favorite by them, with Om and N Crugu Bradului in close seconds.
Been listening to it in my car for the last 2 weeks and i can't get sick of it... it's awesome!! especially "Hatchet to the head" and "when death replaces life"!!!!

Just heard Cattle Decapitation - The Harvest Floor t'other day, and was pretty damn impressed! I always expected it to be a straight up grindfest with less focus on melody and shit, so it totally took me off guard. I'm not really a fan of the massively brutal and dissonant heavier death/grind shit, so I guess it's a pretty ideal album for me. Just verges on getting a bit core-y sometimes, it seems.
Enjoying the day with some My Dying Bride. Finished listening to As the Flower Withers and now I'm onto Turn Loose the Swans. Currently listening to "The Songless Bird." I forgot how great this stuff was.