Albums that need to be rerecorded or remastered?

SunlapseVertigo said:
Nattens Madrigal and 95% of black metal cd's could use a remaster. Sorry, but I don't hear any "atmosphere" in shitty staticy-buzzsaw high pitched guitars....
Then the music is not for you. Sorry. You do not compromise artistic vision to make things more "accessible." Go listen to your Abyss/Fredman-produced In Flames and Dimmu Borgir albums and stop whining about things you do not understand.
Naggamanteh said:
Satyricon's Nemesis Divina has good procuction and it doesn't lose any of the atmosphere; in fact it is one of the best black metal albums I know. So much for atmosphere vs. production.
In the ideal case, production complements songwriting to create atmosphere. "Transilvanian Hunger" would sound like shit with a "Nemesis Divina" production, and in the same way "Nemesis Divina" would sound like shit with a "Transilvanian Hunger" sound, because the compositional techniques utilized differ, and so require different production values.

There are of course many cases in which the production simply does not fit the music and so fails to create atmosphere or deliver the heaviness necessary for the music, etc; usually due to incompetence on the part of the producer, a studio with equipment not fit for the style of music performed or some such. These cases are when one can speak of "bad production." A four-channel recording drenched in tape hum recorded with $99 stratocaster clones through 10 W practice amps does not have "bad production" unless it doesn't fit the music.

Bad = unfitting. Good = fitting.
Sorath said:
Also a good response.
If you REALLY had tried listening properly to some proper black metal under proper circumstances you'd think the same.
don't get me wrong, i like atmosphere..... but most poorly produced cd's dont bring images of the woods, etc.... to me at all.... personally, I think your description of Nattens Madrigal was very fitting, "being clawed apart by wolves" (i know ive heard you say that somewhere....).... but I'd rather not hear that in the cd, because it has some very excellent melodies.... I don't really get the whole atmosphere of anything else though....

personally, I would have taken that response a bit more seriously and with more respect if he hadn't thrown in the typical lame "go listen to In Flames or Dimmu Borgir pussy crap" line....
Did I say "pussy crap?" No. I said "Abyss-produced." There's a difference. Even suggesting that artists should change something that they intentionally did so it'd be more accessible is a clear sign that music like "Nattens Madrigal" is quite obviously not for you... So listen to something else and stop whining about things you don't understand already.
Erik said:
Did I say "pussy crap?" No. I said "Abyss-produced." There's a difference. Even suggesting that artists should change something that they intentionally did so it'd be more accessible is a clear sign that music like "Nattens Madrigal" is quite obviously not for you... So listen to something else and stop whining about things you don't understand already.
thats what you were implying, after all, that is the popular thing to say these days.

wasn't whining at all. i was stating my opinion, which is exactly what the thread's topic is. so why don't you straighten that out first.

but heres my question.... why should artists try to be as unaccessable as possible? as far as I'm concerned, they should just be focusing on making good music rather than trying to bother. Nattens Madrigal was obviously done that way on purpose, but why is a crap guitar sound "natural" and a better guitar sound not? they had to do some tweaking to some degree to get such a harsh sound, so its no more "natural" than any other guitar sound. Making something sound better (lets say in preproduction) doesn't necesarrily mean artists are trying to be more accesable (which in the eyes of many would be considered bad for whatever reason), they might just want to do what they think sounds the best for the album, so lets not start on the whole "making things more accesable" thing....

Listen, I'm an open minded person, and I never give up on music.... I hope to feel the same way you people do towards music you like.... as far as I'm concerned that would be great, I prefer to like music rather than hate..... but I just cant picture anything else when I listen to NM besides a bunch of guys laughing and fucking around in the studio trying their best to make the albums sound terrible (don't tell me they did it in the woods, thats a myth).... oh well, like I said, I hope to appreciate it someday.....
SunlapseVertigo said:
thats what you were implying, after all, that is the popular thing to say these days.
Would you kindly stop putting words in my mouth? The point was that Abyss/Fredman bands etc. have "good" production by common standards, (i.e. accessible, clean, inoffensive. Read below + my "Nemesis Divina" post above for details) not that the bands themselves were necessarily "pussy crap." Even if I did think they were that's way beside the point.
SunlapseVertigo said:
wasn't whining at all. i was stating my opinion, which is exactly what the thread's topic is. so why don't you straighten that out first.
Sure. Maybe I was a bit harsh but the thing is that "Nattens Madrigal" is 1) an album that CONSTANTLY gets criticized for its production and that 2) it is one of the best examples of an album that is one with its production and that couldn't have sounded any other way without taking away from the experience. Therefore critique towards that particular production (and those of a lot of, but not all, other raw BM) bothers me a lot since it's such a dead giveaway that the speaker simply does not get it.
SunlapseVertigo said:
but heres my question.... why should artists try to be as unaccessable as possible? as far as I'm concerned, they should just be focusing on making good music rather than trying to bother. Nattens Madrigal was obviously done that way on purpose, but why is a crap guitar sound "natural" and a better guitar sound not? they had to do some tweaking to some degree to get such a harsh sound, so its no more "natural" than any other guitar sound. Making something sound better (lets say in preproduction) doesn't necesarrily mean artists are trying to be more accesable (which in the eyes of many would be considered bad for whatever reason), they might just want to do what they think sounds the best for the album, so lets not start on the whole "making things more accesable" thing....
The thing with "Nattens Madrigal," as it seems you're already aware, is that Ulver made it sound that way on purpose. They had the budget and other means to record in any flashy studio they could have wanted, BUT they chose not to as it wouldn't have fit the music. Simple as that. You could argue that it is "terrible-sounding" but to these and many other ears it simply isn't. It is a sound that fits the lyrics and music and the overall concept of the album perfectly.

Ulver didn't exactly try to be inaccessible. Ulver simply tried (and succeeded) to make the production fit the music. The nature of the resulting harsh sound quite obviously means that it is initially inaccessible to the vast majority of people. This is when people, when they have not understood the nature of the album's beauty, drag out the old "urgh terrible production, shame on an album which has good riffs" argumentation, simply because the aesthetics of the album is something which is foreign to them, something they do not understand.

Inaccessibility should not be a goal in itself. Inaccessibility comes from utilizing esoteric technique or aesthetics.

For discussions like these (and I've gone through a few) I wish I had a copy of "Transilvanian Hunger" or "Nattens Madrigal" recorded in Abyss Studios with triggered drums and everything. Maybe then I could play it to people and they would understand. As for "Nattens Madrigal," as you seem to like the music (the music in itself isn't very esoteric,) I'd suggest reading the lyrics, the comments on the back of the booklet and then listen to the whole thing at night until it clicks. It is a rewarding album once understood.
Ageless said:
I've never understood how a raw production in Black Metal automatically equates to atmosphere :bah:.
It doesn't... I could list countless of lesser bands that simply ape the aesthetics of innovative bands such as Darkthrone and Ulver without understanding what they're doing or why Darkthrone did it in the first place. Some bands create atmosphere with "raw" production (Darkthrone, Ulver, Mütiilation) and some with much cleaner sound (Mayhem, Negurã Bunget, Taake... and Ulver's other works)
production and music for me are the same thing. you can play five seconds of music and make it sound like so many different things just through production values. production is an integral part of the music and how it is perceived, ergo in my view, it IS part of the music itself. I think its an interesting thing to look into; the semantic linking going on between saying what the music is, and how/why a certain production suits it. is it not often the case that you only think the production suits the music because you can't imagine the music being the same after possessing some other production value? doesn't that, if true in any case, hint at music and production being conceptually inseperable anyway?, thereby necessitating the view that a certain genre (ie black metal) is only suited to certain, limited variations on production??

interesting, very interesting. i've always found this black metal/production values debate fascinating.

[ed]doesn't mean I have the reasoning or general mental capacities to conduct a rational investigation into it all...but heh, its still cool to try and ponder over. =P
Everyone who's saying AJFA needs new production.. no.. no.. NO

That album is perfect. Nothing about it needs changing. The indomitable guitar tone and vocals more than make up for the non-existant bass.