Megadeth Albums From Worst To Best


Active Member
Apr 11, 2015
Sorry, this is not exactly a review, but this is a list.
I've seen some things like this for various bands, but I disagree with many of them.

Super Collider- Semi thrash metal.
Kingmaker is the only great song on here.

Risk- Similar to Super Collider, but more mixed up.
Breadline and Prince of Darkness are great songs, though.

United Abominations- Nearly pure thrash metal, but it is just not as good as the rest of the thrash metal albums.

Thirteen- Better than United Abominations, but a little too modern sounding.

The System Has Failed- Decent album, but Kick the Chair is awesome!

Endgame- This album has several standouts, but also a bit of filler.
It is very thrashy, though.

The World Needs a Hero- The last classic Megadeth album, but it is a great album.
Many people do not like it, but it is very good.

Cryptic Writings-A strange, but great album. The beginning is regular heavy metal, but the end is thrash metal. It is one of the most interesting albums I have ever listened to.

Countdown to Extinction-Megadeth made their first commercial album, unlike The Black Album, it actually sounds good, and is still thrash metal. Maybe it is not commercial...
It's not commercial.

Youthanasia- Only slightly surpasses Countdown to Extinction

So Far So Good...So What!- Their second fastest album.
It is a less intricate album than their other classics, but also one of their most agressive albums.

Rust In Peace- Their second most technically intricate album.
All of the songs are standouts. The shredding on hear is nearly impossible to replicate.

Killing is My Business...And Business is Good!-Their fastest, most aggressive, and brutal album. The album surpasses Kill Em' All in every way possible, which I think was Dave Mustaine's intention.

Peace Sells...But Who's Buying?-This album is one of my favorite albums if all time. This is the best album from the best thrash metal band ever, making it the best thrash metal album ever. It is a masterpiece, and every song in here is a masterpiece within a masterpiece.

Recommended Megadeth songs:

Killing is My Business
Loved To Deth
The Skull beneath the Skin
Looking Down the Cross
Peace Sells
Black Friday
Set the World Afire
Hook in Mouth
Holy Wars
Rust in Peace
Symphony of Destruction
Train of Consequences
Have Cool, Will Travel

There are a lot more great Megadeth songs, too.
I can't wait for this new Megadeth album to come out. I'm buying it!
I'm also going to rank the Metallica discography:

St Anger: Boring album. I've heard every song on it, but I haven't actually listened to it in Oder, because it is so uninteresting. There are a few great songs here and there, but as a whole, it lacks anything interesting.

Load/Reload: These two would be great, if it weren't for their less thrashy sound.
If they were a little thrashier, they would be great.

Metallica(The Black Album)-A mix of thrash metal, groove metal, and regular heavy metal.
There are a few solid thrashers, but the rest of the album is mediocre.

Master of Puppets: This is regarded as the best thrash metal album ever. It's not.
It is a great thrash metal album, but it surpasses no Megadeth album except for Risk.

...And Justice For All: One is a masterpiece!

Ride the Lightning: This album is an excellent one.
There are some brutal thrasher tracks such as the title track, Fight Fire With Fire, Trapped Under Ice, and Creeping Death, as some crushingly heavy songs such as Escape, and progressive sounding songs such as The Call of Ktulu. You can hear the Dave Mustaine and Exodus riffs on here, too.

Kill Em' All: Their fastest, most aggressive, and most Dave Mustaine influenced album.
You can here a lot of Motorhead style-sound on here, also. This might be the first album that can be called thrash metal. Motorhead is speed metal, not thrash metal.
There is a difference. This is thrash metal!
No Remorse is the best song on here.

I am not trying to sound like "oh all I care about is speed and aggression."
I care about more than just that. Metallica just doesn't sound as good slower.
I must say that Master of Puppets is much better than I said it was.
I hadn't actually listened to it in full when I wrote this list.

I kept skipping Disposable Heroes for some reason. Now that I've heard that song, or will give the album much more credit for being an awesome thrash metal album. It's still not the greatest, but it wouldn't really be a long shot to say that.

I've grown to like Load, ReLoad, and St. Anger much more, also.
Load and ReLoad are better than St. Anger, though.

Sorry for all of my spelling mistakes on the Metallica ranking, I wasn't paying attention. Also, I believe I forgot Death Magnetic. It might be my least favorite Metallica album, because the production is so bad.
They were trying to get that tight ...And Justice For All sound, but it lacks the heaviness that Justice has. It is way too compressed, and sounds way too dry.
I think that Cryptic Writings is better than both Countdown to Extinction and Youthanasia.
I think that Cryptic Writings is better than both Countdown to Extinction and Youthanasia.

my megadeth rankings:

1 psbwb
3 kimb
4 cte
5 youth
6 sfsgsw
7 cw
8 tshf
9 risk
10 united abominations
11 endgame
12 the world needs a hero
13 13
14 super collider