Albums that run too long

Reign in Acai

Of Elephant and Man
Jun 25, 2003
Favela of My Dismay
In Vain - The Latter Rain would be better suited if 15 minutes of the album were omitted. No particular piece brings down the overall material, it's just that the length is quite exhausting. Here's a novel idea, save a track or two for the follow up.

Primus - Frizzle Fry; This album really should end after "Toys are Winding Down", it's all down hill after that.

Metallica - St Anger; Scrap half the tracks, make the other half that have potential worth something. My World, Sweet Amber, Some Kind of Monster, and Frantic all had some nice moments. I may lose my street cred in Harlem, but I'm going to throw this disc on right now. :Smug:

Edit - God damn Frantic is pretty bad. I used to think it was passable.

Edit part Deux - Metallica really needs to make an entire album in vain of Sweet Amber/ Unnamed Feeling. There's no way in hell that they will go back to their roots, so how about an entire disc of these news gems. All new songs in the style of Sweet Amber, Unnamed Feeling, No Leaf Clover, Minus Human, ftw. :dopey:
I've never even heard a Metallica album since the Black album. I couldn't even tell you how many they've made since then.
Jerry, I just got back from eating at a Jewish deli called Noshville.
I thought of you as I ate my latkes.
Well, not really, but I did eat latkes.
Wtf is a latkes?

i don't think I ever gave St. Anger a proper listen ... upload sweet amber and give me a rundown why its so good.

btw, found this on you tube the other day ... I think this period was their PEAK ... AJFA tour they were already running out of steam as soon as James grew the handlebar moustacheoue.

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hot of the presses at BM ... Kirk throwing RIB out there in an interview ... i am not fooled ...
i've seen Rubin work magic and he is a relentless ballbuster that is not phased by celebrity musicians ... I am actually more interested in what Rubin can do with Metallica, as an experiment, than the actual Metallica disc

Guitar World: After 16 years and six albums with Bob Rock as your producer, how did you select Rick Rubin to produce this one?

Kirk: We knew that we needed to go down a different avenue. And it seemed like whenever I mentioned to people that we'd started writing another album, they would say, "You gotta get Rick Rubin." And we'd been considering that ourselves anyway. We've known Rick since 1986 when [SLAYER's] "Reign in Blood" came out. I can remember Rick showing up backstage at a "Master of Puppets" show and he had the master tape to "Reign in Blood". We were thinking, "Oh, wow, he has the new SLAYER album. We gotta hear it." And I remember once we heard it, we were just like, "Holy crap, that's the best thing we've ever heard."
i think if nobody would know this is Metallica, Ken would reco this as some new stoner band to check out :loco:

but for Met standards, this is rookie stuff ... Bob Rock looked these guys in the eye for months and told them this is good?
I've never even heard a Metallica album since the Black album. I couldn't even tell you how many they've made since then.

Same here. The only difference is I stopped with AJFA. I couldn't stand the Black material when it came out so I never picked it up. To this day I've not heard the entire album.

That track, Sweet Amber (?), is horrible. I couldn't stand more than 45 seconds. Rick Rubin may do a stunning job of producing their next album but it will still suck.

As for albums that run to long: those that I don't like.
I was listening to Count Raven - Destruction of the Void yesterday in the shower and noticed that some of the song could have a few minutes shaved off of them and the album wouldn't be hindered by the reduction.
You listen to heavy metal right? A lot of it sounds better really loud.

But I love listening to soft stuff in the shower too, I just crank it.

Nick Drake - Pink Moon is a #1 shower music contender.
Most albums over 45 minutes in length are too long.

Not enough bands learned from Reign in Blood.