Albums that start out magnificently, then trail off.

Reign in Acai

Of Elephant and Man
Jun 25, 2003
Favela of My Dismay
What albums come to mind that are absolutely lungblowing in beauty, majesty, or kickassery, then seem to taper off in to mediocrity come the third-fourth track in? The album that is my muse for spawning this thread that will ultimately see 4 replies, is Zero Hour's "Specs of Pictures Burnt Beyond". Holy fuck "Face the Fear" and "The Falcon's Cry" are mammoth in musical merit, then as soon "Embrace" kicks in, the attention that it had commanded for 16 minutes is lost to monotony. While the music isn't bad, it just leaves me with a sense of indifference to it all. Which is quite a shame, as the album starts out so damn powerfully. It does happen to pick up near the final track "Evidence of the Unseen", yet fails to recapture the moment that was felt early on.
uhm, ok, I guess I'll try and participate: I honestly can't think of any album I own that does this. They either rule or suck in their entirety.
That's wierd. I was going to mention Faith No More's entire catalogue fits this description but didn't feel like typing it
Falkenbach - Ok Nefna Tysvar Ty. Dip in on any song on the album, and you'll think it's pretty cool, but listen to the whole album at once, and you'll realize that it's just the same fucking song played nine times.