Albums you should know but probably don't.

I swear black metal musicians and fans are the only ones who ACTIVELY try and make their genre stagnate as much as possible...


Thank fuck for bands like Portal, Mitochondrion and Incantation blurring the lines between black and death and for bands like Krallice and Deathspell Omega who are commited to pushing the genre forward..
Kvoid: Have you heard the latest Ondskapt record? (Arisen From The Ashes)
I suppose that is one of the most "straight-up" bm records of the last couple of years..... it was a grower for me, but I listen to that record quite a bit now. That may the style you don't like though.....:p

Clandestine Blaze? Crushing the Holy Trinity splits?.......
Hey ratsapprentice...I was a big fan of them at the time of Draco Sit Mihi Dux, still jam that album from time to time. Then they lost me on Dodens Evangelium (it sounded really opressive, ddomy, layered, but in the end it was really turgid, no "get up n' go" no kicking ass whatsoever). The new one frankly reminds me of Marduk in 2000, fast, brutal, and vapid (or Dark Funeral, or Setherial, or...any of the bazillion Swedish blastmonkeys that queued up in front of Studio Abyss around that time). I was again, disappoint. Svartsyn's "Timeless Reign" blew my head off clean, and then he got some children to play with him...and made another blastaliciously pointless platter (Wrath upon the earth). Again, disappoint.

However the new CB was awesome thanks for reminding me. The one before it was a snoozefest but I gotta go listen to Falling Monuments now.

MGLA is a band I like a lot. Yeah they're pretty emo (sexy black metal like one of my old buddies would say) but they can sure write engaging minimalism. Even if they are a tad too slick for most BM people. I like slick though ;)

SVEST and Katharsis are definitely my favorites from the later bands. Batshit insane satanic hysteria. Although "Urfaust" is a little rough even for the most diehard I think it has a very sublime krautrock quality that many Opeth fans might enjoy, if they could peer into it through the slop and blasts of noise hehe. I know 99% of you here will be like FUUUUUUU but if you really strain your ears you might be able to hear some of the madness (to quit my derailment of this thread in a productive manner before mods kick my ass) :D

Artist: S.V.E.S.T. (Satanas Vobiscum Et Spiritum Tuo)
Album: Urfaust
Year: 2003
Genre: Black Metal
Recommended If You Like: Katharsis, Emperor (albeit played through an out of control washing machine and fuzz pedal)
Sample Song: Nuit de Walpurgis

I find it strange that you thought Arisen From The Ashes was a blastfest.
I found it to be quite mid-paced, but it definately didn't grab my attention straight away. I'll need to check out Svartsyn though....
Good call there Splat and me some Swervedriver and Iron Monkey. Both awesome, and criminally underrated bands. I hate them blackmetal birdvocals but they worked perfect for IM.
Artist: Lento
Album: Icon
Year: 2011
Genre: Instrumental Sludge
Recommended If You Like: Neurosis, Ufomammut, Heavy sludge
Sample Song: Hymen
These guys just released their new album and its one of the best sludge albums ive ever heard you can get it for free at their webpage

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Artist: Testament
Album: Low
Year: 1994?
Genre: Metal
Recommended If You Like: Metal
Sample Song: Legions (in Hiding)

Testament seems to get a lot of love on here for The Gathering and their latest record...i think this album's better than either, but it seems to be overlooked by many. These songs are heavy as shit, the playing is awesome, and the production has this weird choppy quality to it that i love. Oh, and JAMES motherfucking MURPHY played lead guitar on this one. Check it out:

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Artist: The Wildhearts
Album: Chutzpah
Year: 2009
Genre: Rock with elements of metal
Recommended If You Like: odd time changes, queen, foo fighters, sing alon choruses
Sample Song:Tim Smith


Artist: Slapdash
Album: Actual Reality
Year: 1996
Genre: Metal
Recommended If You Like: Carnal Forge, Elements of Pantera
Sample Song:No love last

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Bumping this thread b/c it's awesome.

Artist: Acid Bath
Album: When the Kite String Pops
Year: 94
Genre: Sludge/Doom/Death
Recommended if you like: Crowbar, Goatwhore
Sample Song: Jezebel

Artist: Soilent Green
Album: Sewn Mouth Secrets
Year: 98
Genre: Grindcore/Sludge
Recommended if you like: Crowbar, Goatwhore
Sample Song: Sewn Mouth Secrets

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Artist: Helios
Album: Eingya
Year: 2006
Genre: Ambient, Acoustic, Electronic
Recommended if you like: Mogwai, sigur rós
Sample Song: Halving The Compass


Artist: Boards Of Canada
Album: Music Has The Right To Children
Year: 1998
Genre: Ambient, lofi, Electronic, Soundtrack
Recommended if you like: 70's & 80's documentary soundtracks made with synths.
Sample Song: Roygbiv

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Artist: Talk Talk
Album: Spirit of Eden
Year: 1988
Genre: Postrock
Recommended If You Like: Radiohead?
Sample Song: The Rainbow

Lots of postrock in here. For many people these guys are the better radiohead... I don´t know, but talk talk are definitely the godfathers of this type of music
SoE and Laughing Stock are two of my favorite records ever.
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man seeing the Acid Bath stuff reminded me of this.

Artist: Deadboy And The Elephantmen
Album: If This Is Hell Then I'm Lucky
Genre:Stoner Rock?
Recommended If You Like: stoner rock,acid bath,
Sample Song: Waking Up Insane


Artist: Immolation
Album: Close To A World Below
Year: 2000
Genre: Death Metal
Recommended if you like: Dissonance, very odd melodic and rhythmic music
Sample Song:
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Artist: Zigoku Quartet
Album: Kono yo no jigoku monogatari
Year: 2009
Genre: Progressive thrash metal
Recommended If You Like: fast, insanely well-done songs by Japanese music teachers
Sample Song:
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Artist: Revocation
Album: Existence is Futile
Year: 2009
Genre: Extreme Metal
Recommended If You Like: A metal guitar player that came from jazz schooling
Sample Song: Dismantile the Dictator

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