Albums you should know but probably don't.

Artist: Brant Bjork
Album: Jalamanta
Year: 1999
Genre: Stoner rock / psychdelic rock
Recommended If You Like: Kyuss (he was the drummer on most kyuss albums) / relaxing music.
Sample Song:

Artist: Swervedriver
Album: Raise
Year: 1991
Genre: Alternative Rock
Recommended If You Like: Swervedriver
Sample Song: Never Lose that Feeling

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Artist: Iron Monkey
Album: "Out Problem"
Year: 1998
Sounds Like: Drowning under 400,000 tonnes of concrete.

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Artist: The Blood Brothers
Album: Crimes
Genre: Indie/Rock/Weird
Recommended If You Like: High pitched vocals... :P
Sample Song:

Artist: Chunk! No, Captain Chunk!
Album: Something For Nothing
Genre: Pop-Metal/Rock
Recommended If You Like: A Day To Remember
Sample Song:

Artist: Celldweller
Album: Cell Dweller
Genre: Electro/Dance/Metal
Recommended If You Like: Dance/Trance stuff mixed in with metal...
Sample Song:

Artist: Cinematic Orchestra
Album: Ma Fleur
Genre: Apparently jazz/electronic... :P
Recommended If You Like: Slow pretty music
Sample Song:

Artist: Fall of Efrafa
Album: Inle
Genre: Down-tempo doomy metal.
Recommended If You Like: Cult of Luna, Isis...
Sample Song:

Artist: Local Natives
Album: Gorilla Manor
Genre: Indie/Rock/Ambient
Recommended If You Like: Music
Sample Song:

Artist: Ludovico Einaudi
Album: Divenire
Genre: Piano/Orchestral
Recommended If You Like: Film scores/piano music.
Sample Song:

Artist: Midgar
Album: Midgar
Genre: Metal/Rock
Recommended If You Like: Fightstar. (Don't judge). :P
Sample Song:

Artist: No Made Sense
Album: The Epillanic Choragi
Genre: Progressive/Ambient Metal/Rock.
Recommended If You Like: Tool, Karnivool...
Sample Song:

Artist: Rotten Sound
Album: Cycles
Genre: Grindcore
Recommended If You Like: Fucking horrible noises...
Sample Song:

Artist: The Secret
Album: Solve Et Coagula
Genre: Sounds a lot like everything else on Southern Lord Records
Recommended If You Like: Satan
Sample Song:


Artist: Throats
Album: Throats
Genre: Rock/Dirty/Grind
Recommended If You Like: Converge
Sample Song:

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Artist: Mew
Album: Frengers
Year: 2003
Genre: Prog/pop/rock
Recommended If You Like: Catchy songs but awesome writing.. and great production at the same time ;)

Sample songs.. Everything from Frengers.
But check maybe


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Artist: Empyrios
Album: The Glorious Sickness
Year: 2008
Genre: Progressive metal

Recommended If You Like:
Symphony X
Devin Townsend

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Watain have been a snoozefest post-CL.

Agreed, but I'd venture to add CL to the snoozefest (apart from the mildly amusing opener), as well as that godawful last Funeral Mist (and Kenose and everything else by DSO since). :p

Black Metal is dead IMO. :mad:
Agreed, but I'd venture to add CL to the snoozefest (apart from the mildly amusing opener), as well as that godawful last Funeral Mist (and Kenose and everything else by DSO since). :p

Black Metal is dead IMO. :mad:

I personally found CL, Kenose, etc, to be a huge breath of fresh air for black metal. On the other hand i can see the argument from BM purists that it doesn't/shouldn't need any fresh air. BM being dead isn't necessarily a bad thing really, as the genre is stagnant by definition, which is just fine if the fans and artists are comfortable with it.

The later DsO stuff isn't really black metal at all, but strongly inherits from the genre. It's more like a loving tribute to black metal than anything else.
Artist: Eternal Gray
Album: Kindless
Year: 2003
Genre: Death Metal

Recommended If You Like:
Morbid Angel

and from 2010:

Artist: The Fading
Album: The Sin Collector
Year: 2010
Genre: Melodeath

Recommended If You Like:
Jonas Kjellgren productions, melodic death metal

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Artist: Mitochondrion
Album: Parasignosis
Year: 2011
Genre: Technical/Brutal/Horrific Death Metal
Recommended If You Like: Bands such as Portal, Impetuous Ritual, Ulcerate Obscura-era Gorguts, any music at all that is evocative of Lovecraftian imagery and emotion, any music with powerful ties to otherworldly energy..
Sample song: Lex Ego Exitium/Tetravirulence


Seriously, this is up there with the new Ulcerate for picks of 2011 and it's only MARCH.
Just wait til we have new Gorguts, Origin, Morbid Angel and Secret Chiefs 3 albums, FUCK, this year is great!!
Some fantastic recommendations in here guys, glad to see Karnivool was one of the first. Diablo Swing Orchestra is a +1 must-listen for everyone.

Here's something moody!


Artist: Agalloch
Album: Marrow of the Spirit
Year: 2010
Genre: Ambient/Black/Doom
Recommended If You Like: Music with emotion, strong atmosphere, depressive themes.
Sample Song: Black Lake Nidstang

Section at 7:22 has been stuck in my head all week. Incredible.
I would like to recomend some Post-Hardcore bands from my country, Portugal:

Artist: More Than A Thousand
Album: Make Friend And Enemies
Year: 2010
Genre: Post-Hardcore/Metalcore
Recommended If You Like:
Sample Song: First Bite

Artist: Hills Have Eyes
Album: Black Book
Year: 2010
Genre: Post-Hardcore/Metalcore
Recommended If You Like:
Sample Song: The Believer


Artist: Before The Torn
Album: The Serpent Smile
Year: 2011
Genre: Metalcore
Recommended If You Like: As I Lay Dying, Parkway Drive, etc...
Sample Song: Last Night's Nightmare

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artist: Daysend
album: The Warning
year: 2007
genre: Metalcore / Melodic Death metal
recommended if you like: Threat Signal, Nevermore
sample song: Scars Remain

Sorry about the crappy quality of this Youtube vid

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I'll share one of my favorite Portuguese bands:

Artist: Crushing Sun
Album: TAO
Year: 2010
Genre: Death Metal / Experimental / Metal
Recommended If You Like: Gojira, ISIS
Sample Song: T'Hatcher

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I personally found CL, Kenose, etc, to be a huge breath of fresh air for black metal. On the other hand i can see the argument from BM purists that it doesn't/shouldn't need any fresh air. BM being dead isn't necessarily a bad thing really, as the genre is stagnant by definition, which is just fine if the fans and artists are comfortable with it.

The later DsO stuff isn't really black metal at all, but strongly inherits from the genre. It's more like a loving tribute to black metal than anything else.

I would be that party yeah hehe. The problem in my opinion is that no more BM that I like (you know, what we would call, the garden variety 80s-early 90s style) is being released anymore at all. Besides the latest Burzum it has been really shit the last two years, since the new Beherit (Katharsis being one exception, but they're effectively done and over).

And yes on DSO not being BM anymore, I've been saying that all along. I cannot judge whether it is garbage or genius because I could never stand or fathom prog, jazz or any of the more "free-form" music out there. You could say I'm dumb but it doesn't start me up on a hormonal level, it just hangs there (I could say the same if we were to compare Bach to Debussy) . I suppose though for people that can "feel" such stuff they would be a very strong option. Props on the open minded approach to the discourse sir. Usually such arguments end with someone calling the other a "fag" or an "idiot". :D