Albums you start on tracks other than 1


Active Member
Oct 16, 2012
Southern California
Vektor - Terminal Redux
I start on the 2nd track Cygnus Terminal. I actually like Track 1, it's one of my favorite tracks, but it doesn't work as an album opener imo. I listen to it after the rest of the album, or on its own.

Obituary - Slowly We Rot
Begin with Track 4 - Slowly We Rot. It sets the tone perfectly for the rest of the album. Starting from 1 on this album is good too, you can't go wrong. But I like to dive right in to the depths of this beast.
I have too much respect (obsession?) for the album experience to do anything like this, but sometimes I accidentally put a tape in at side 2 first and it can change the album's flow in a cool way, for example Sabbath Bloody Sabbath starting with "Killing Yourself to Live" instead of the title track.
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I used to do this with Onslaught's In Search of Sanity, a thrash album opening with a boring five minute ambient bit, but since it's now a listen-once-every-several-years album I'll probably listen to that track again. Overall I'm too autistic to skip tracks unless they really absolutely suck.
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that's kind of a weird dogmatic approach lol. i mean, surely part of respecting the Album Experience is skipping terrible/ill-fitting songs which detract from said experience. i wouldn't do it with an album i'm just getting to know or in cases where the song is just kind of mediocre, but occasionally it's logical.
Silvester Anfang into Deathcrush works really good for me. Love the intro. I sometimes skip Funeral Fog when listening to De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas. Dont really like the track.
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If I put on a whole album it never happens really, but sometimes i want to hear a specific song and then I can't be bothered to switch and let the rest of the album play after that.

Two albums this has happened quite abit with is:

SSoaSS: Starting with Infinite Dreams (which is kind of weird because I love Moonchild)
Open the Gates: Starting with Astronomica
I delete intros, outros and individual songs from albums if I hate them lol. Only songs I like are allowed in my iTunes

When I buy a new album I listen to it from start to finish for about a week and 1/2, until I get bored of the same sequence all the time, then I play it on shuffle for another week or so, then it eventually joins the big shuffle across my entire library
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The majority of this happening for me actually results from incorrect tagging of digital files on my thumb drives since most of my listening is done in the car.